Find Your
Inner Magenta
Join our Be Brave. Lose the Beige! community of thriving women who believe a beige life isn’t enough for them. They are daughters, moms, employees, partners, bosses, and board members who recognize that multi-tasking all these roles leads to multi-taxing our spirits. They are choosing a Magenta Life.
“Liz Kitchens would make Erma Bombeck cackle, leave Ann Landers at a loss for words and make Gloria Steinem proud.”
-Rannah Gray
Author of Familiar Evil, winner of 14 national and international book awards
The BBLB Book
Meet Beige.
Beige is reliable, practical, sensible, and safe. Beige doesn’t put up a fuss; it follows the rules, blends in, doesn’t want to stand out.
Now Meet Magenta.
Magenta is rich, dynamic, loud, sometimes garish, and not easily overlooked. Magenta is sassy and pokes fun at societal rules and norms. She says “yes” when the word around her keeps saying no. Be Brave. Lose the Beige! is you. Brave, sassy, honest, empowered.
Are you a Sage? A Dreamer?
A Rebel or a Caretaker?
At BBLB we believe that the more you know about yourself, the more you can break out of the expectations and find your magenta! The KQuiz is designed with the +60 age demographic in mind. Most of us have taken at least one personality test in our lives. The question is, “Do the profiles we were given hold up as we age into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond?”
Author and dynamic speaker Arthur Brooks encourages readers to answer this question with one word, “Why am I alive?” I rephrased the question to “What really matters to me?” So, what one word encapsulates what really matters to you?