My Grandson Showed Me the Light

How many times have you said or heard someone say, "Don't you just love fall?" I remember Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail" talking about how much she loved New York in the fall.   Living in Florida we get the "you don't really have discernible seasons" rap, as if to say, "you have no concept of fall. The "real" fall only happens north of you.” Well, I beg to disagree...our leaves change color, ever so slightly....after months spent running from an air conditioned house to an air conditioned car to an air conditioned office, avoiding the oppressive heat and humidity, it's fun to be outside, to open windows allowing in cool breezes and the sounds of wind chimes. The humidity starts to evaporate. The quality of the light changes. And, we get to decorate for Halloween.It tickles one's spirit to behold patches of pumpkins perched on porches and witches wrapping their arms around trees...and those fun orange lights illuminating shrubs and doorways.I was excited to invite our son, daughter in law and almost 2 year old grandson over for a Sunday stroll to look at lights and Halloween decorations.   Our gang of 4 adults, 2 dogs, and one little boy pushing a stroller set out for the tour. I was like an ADD 4 year old excitedly pointing out clusters of orange lights here and purple lights over there. Mildly interested, Austin kept pointing upward saying...moon…moon as the almost full orb dipped in and out of the clouds. "Yes, that's really cool Austin. But look over there at the funny pumpkin faces."my grandson at Halloween"Moon" he persisted...And we all finally paused to behold the miracle of the moon. The light emitting from the moon illuminated the sky and our pathway. It truly was much more beautiful than the fake lights wrapped around bushes and porch railings. As the grownups in the world, we spend a lot of time rushing around doing stuff. Austin showed me the light that evening as we paused to be mindful of the moon and all its glory. Good lesson. Thanks, Austin.  


Caregivers Living In Color


I'm a Creativity Evangelist