Mother's Day 2016

It's back....Mother's Day 2016...Deja vu all over again.  It falls on May 8th this year (my husband's birthday.  He was actually born on Mother's Day).  Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.  My question is...if we are going to keep celebrating this made up holiday, aren't we entitled to a designated date so we don't leave the celebration part up to chance?Mother's DayApparently there are 84 million Moms in the U.S.  The average amount of money spent on Mother's Day is $170.00, for a whopping total of 20.7 billion dollars!  Second to Valentine's Day, more meal reservations are made for Mother's Day than any other holiday.  Do these expenditures make us feel loved?  When I was young I still remember my Dad giving my Mom ice trays and a can opener from my brothers and me.  She went to her room, locked the door and stayed there for the rest of the day.  I was devastated by her reaction.  I've been known to express my "mother's day blues" via blog posts in previous years.  Read more by clicking here.


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Beige-i-fying My House Part 2