Santa's Tip for Celebrating the holidays- Color Your Christmas

Today launches Santa’s tips for celebrating the holidays.The first tip is- “Color Your Christmas”, a concept illustrated by this clay sculpture of Santa bedecked in colorful Christmas lights. Obviously as the name of this blogsite would imply, Be Brave. Lose the Beige is a big fan of color. And, it is also true my Christmas tree and outside lights are a veritable rainbow of colors. But let me be quick to add, I think the white lights I see decorating the trees and houses of friends and neighbors are just as lovely.Be Brave. Lose the Beige often uses color as a metaphor. In other posts it has referenced personal empowerment. In this instance it’s about making creative choices about how you might want to spend your time. If you want to bake- bake. If your creative gift is gift giving, then give. If it is creating beautiful bows out of wire ribbon gracing your gifts, then wrap away. But color equals choice in this instance. Spend your time engaging in activities that nourish your spirit.Stay Tuned for Tip No. 2-   “Hang Out With Friends”. 


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Santa's Tips for Celebrating the Holidays