Breaking up with functioning body parts is truly hard to do. No, I’m not having limbs amputated or anything, I’m just less able to use a couple of them.Recent surgery on both of my feet has proven to be quite limiting. Rest assured, I knew it would be. Who does that? Have both feet operated on at the same time? Patience is not exactly my strong suit. (Actually I’m not quite sure just what my strong suit is but that is another blog post).  The “operating” theory was that since each foot was plagued with the same condition (Morton’s neuroma, a/k/a pinched nerves) requiring surgical removal, why not do them both at once. One two-week recovery is more tolerable than two two-week recovery periods. Why go through this process twice? Even in my immobilized state, I’m sticking by my decision, although I’ll admit to having second thoughts.First of all, I’m pretty dependent upon my husband and friends for survival. All the essential needs have been thrown in question- (1) food has to be prepared, or at least put on a plate and handed to me (2) same is true for liquids, (3) hygiene likewise requires help, (4) sleep is hampered by the skinny sofa (double booking as a bed since my own bed is upstairs), and (5) forget about driving, even to follow up medical appointments.A friend confided recently that pursuant to a severely broken leg, her mate even had to lift her on and off the toilet. Now that puts intimacy to a real test. How does one do this recovery sans live-in partners?I am truly grateful for (1) my rollator, which I’ve deemed my Cadillac for providing a small degree of independence, (2) my friends who have provided food, (3) the fact this is “minor” surgery and the recovery period has a time limit, and (4) my workout training has ensured my core muscles and triceps are somewhat in working order.aging issues The pain pills are just the best. They really create the illusion all is right with the world. As much as Jim likes to hear how appreciative I am, he reminds me it is the fifteenth time I’ve told him how wonderful he is. (I don’t think he believes me! I guess in my non-drug induced state, I’m not as nice).   I’m giving up on the hydrocodone, however. As fun as it is, I want to come back to real life.Stiches will be out soon. Hopefully those little electrical zaps in the bottom of my foot will be gone for good. Maybe that means I won’t walk in such a bow-legged manner, which has impacted my knees. This aging thing is tough!


IdeaLizm's #4


Help! Uber Save Me!