God Must Have a Sense of Humor

I think God must have a sense of humor. After all, why wouldn’t he/she/them? When you represent ultimate positivity and goodness, why wouldn’t humor be in your arsenal of attributes? I know it is one of my favorites in friends, family members, even spiritual advisors. I actually researched “Best Attributes” and “Favorite Attributes in a Friend”. I was surprised and disappointed it did not even make the top twenty-five. Qualities such as integrity, perseverance, and responsibility made the top ten. These are perfectly wonderful characteristics but none quite as joyful as a sense of humor. 

But why do I think God must have a sense of humor? 

A few nights ago, I awoke around 2:00 a.m. to, of course, use the bathroom. Our eleven-year-old labradoodle, Jozy, was lying at the foot of our bed.

Jozy Girl Kitchens

I thought about how she has been such a comforting partner in our family pod throughout the pandemic. As chief of security, she has slept in our room most of the 4,000+ days of her life. And would risk her own for us. Even in my sleepy state, I was filled with warmth and gratitude for our furry friend. After all, Dog is God spelled backwards. I climbed back into bed and promptly fell back to sleep. Seemingly minutes later, Jozy started barking. And barking. And barking. I could hear another dog barking in the distance. The call and response between these two lasted at least thirty minutes. “Jozy, quiet! Jozy, don’t make me get up! Jozy, SHUT UP!” All shouted to no avail. Even in my thick-headed, irritated state, I had to chuckle. Not an hour earlier I had been waxing on in my mind about how she has been the best pet I’ve ever owned. I want nothing to happen to her. I can’t stand the thought of living without her. Now I was cursing her very existence. Maybe more than humor, God likes to tickle you with ironies. I guess we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously.


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