The Color is Apricot for this Birthday Puppy Post
Huxley and Rosie Doodles
This is day three of my birthday week posts. I don’t think I have ever previously written daily posts, birthday week or otherwise. This act of discipline has held my writing feet to the fire and I’ve decided I’m going to do a series of posts surrounding my daughter’s impending nuptials. Stay tuned.
My previous posts have centered around the gifts I’ve received for my birthday. Yet another present I received? A second dog delivered on my doorstep the morning of my birthday. No, it wasn’t that kind of a birthday surprise wherein a precious eight-week-old puppy arrives nestled in a fleece blanket covered in its littermates’ smells. It was our two-year-old golden doodle grand-dog, dropped off for his five-day vacation with Aunt Rosie. Rosie is our nine-month-old labradoodle puppy. We actively sought her out after an appropriate amount of time mourning her predecessor, Jozy. We were prepared (as a result of our THREE previous puppy purchases) for potty-training accidents; we anticipated the teething/chewing/eating shoes and small objects phase; and the vomiting as she honed her culinary pallet. She is actually getting to the other side of those puppy faux pas (I’m sorry but I my fingers are itching to type “paws”.) We had achieved a routine and homeostasis. Which has now been eradicated due to the addition of a canine companion in our townhouse. Huxley is a sweetheart. He would be content to sleeping in his air-conditioned digs during the hours of sweltering Florida heat. But no, Rosie can’t leave him alone. She is positively a provocateur (love that word used often by my friend, Bob Leventhal), inciting pandemonium with her persistent barking invitations to play. On one hand it feels like chaos; on the other, relief at Rosie having a playmate other than that of her mom and dad. So today, the color of my Thursday is apricot in honor of my two furry friends, who are only too happy to party down during my birthday week.
Huxley and Rosie Eyeing Each Other Gauging Who Will be the First to Pounce