BBLB Maxims
#1 Exercise your creative muscles.
#2 It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
#3 Breaking little rules is empowering. Just don’t make others clean up your mess.
#4 Don’t be afraid to break with convention. It’s liberating and might inspire others.
#5 Be brave and open to changes and life transitions.
#6 Don’t be a victim.
#7 Cultivate a sense of humor. It will keep you sane.
#8 Parenting is not a popularity contest.
#9 Yes, your children’s shit really does stink.
#10 Don’t let kid demands derail the pursuit of your passions.
#11 Don’t let time be your boss.
#12 Hold your friends dear.
#35 Acceptance is an active state, not a passive one.
#13 Be kind and patient with yourself during major changes.
#14 Allow comfort to govern your fashion choices.
#15 Don’t be an entitled old person.
#16 Don’t worship at the feet of Brother Time. Pay homage to Sister Space.
#17 Seek out the silver linings.
#18 Be brave. Don’t accept physical limitations. Invent your own definition of athleticism.
#19 Try wasting a day.
#20 Don’t neglect romance. Touch is as important in our BBLB years as it ever was.
#21 Got gummies?
#22 Try some pet therapy.
#23 Bravery is about saying “Yes, and…”
#24 If need be, dump the dude.
#4 Don’t be afraid to break with convention. It’s liberating and might inspire others.
#29 Avoid being someone’s oxygen tank.
#25 Accepting the state of our purses equals accepting ourselves.
#26 Stay foolish.
#27 Live in community with one another.
#28 Your purse doesn’t have to match your clothes.
#29 Avoid becoming someone’s oxygen tank.
#30 Let’s serve as God’s proxies.
#31 Following the GRP guidelines will sass up your role as grandmother.
#32 Instead of playing the guilt card, play the reframing card. It’s transformative.
#33 Take calculated risks.
#34 Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is brave.
#35 Acceptance is an active state, not a passive one.