What’s Next Boomer? Take our KQuiz and Find Out!

My husband and I are thirty-year market researchers.  We have designed surveys for people, politics, and products.  We have developed the KQuiz to help people gain insight into their values, personality traits, and motivations as they stand at the juncture of retirement or semi-retirement.Baby BoomersThe KQuiz is designed with the +60 age demographic in mind. Most of us have taken at least one personality test in our lives. The question is, “Do the profiles we were given hold up as we age into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond?” The results will provide you with a road map for your future.Find out where your partner is on these dimensions and determine where you intersect and differ.  The results will provide you with a road map for your future.The KQuiz is based upon archetypes. Carl Jung identified archetypes symbolizing basic human motivations.  Each type has its own set of values, meanings and personality traits.  Most people have more than one archetype at play in their personalities.  Generally, however, one archetype tends to dominate.  It can be helpful to know which archetypes are at play in yourself and your loved ones in order to gain personal insight into behaviors and motivations.   So click here to take our KQuiz and find out if you....Are you a Sage, the visionary?Are you the Dreamer who strives for authenticity?Are you the Rebel, the spontaneous non-conformist?Are you the Caretaker, the conscientious one?


What's Next Lady Boomers?


Post Hurricane Reflections: Be Patient; Be Curious; Be Foolish