What's Next Lady Boomers?

I guess like most bloggers, I tend to write about issues I’m puzzling over at any given moment. When I launched my BBLB blog in 2009 I was grappling with the typical stuff facing a 56 year old Boomer -- post menopausal hormonal issues, kids navigating their 20s, and as a working person, career challenges. That pattern has persisted and as a 64 year old, I tend to focus on arthritic joints, grandchildren, and “What am I going to be when I grow up?” kinds of questions as I navigate semi retirement options. And I don’t think I’m the lone ranger (see - another Boomer reference to a television icon of my youth) in contemplating these questions. I’ve not been as active on this blogsite in recent weeks as I’ve been pursuing solutions to the question posed above. What am I going to do as I age toward my 70s, start collecting Social Security and enroll in a health care plan that will actually pay to address my joint issues (#countingthedaysuntilMedicare)?  retirement savingsI don’t know about you but I’m not confident my retirement savings will be sufficient to support our needs for years to come. I just do not see my husband and I enjoying the kind of leisurely life his father and mine retired to. So, in typical Jim and Liz fashion, we set about developing a new business endeavor, hoping against hope the end result might be an income stream. (even if it ends up just being a trickle). Thus, we have launched “What’s Next Boomer?” The initial phase is a Free quiz (the KQuiz) to help people in the 60+ age demographic gain insight into their values, personality traits, and motivations as they stand at the juncture of retirement or semi-retirement. I really do believe we aren’t the only Boomers to be a little intimidated, even daunted by, what’s next as we age into our 70s, 80s and beyond. I’m hoping What’s Next Boomer can be a resource for people puzzling over the same questions we are navigating.This was really a longer explanation than planned for why I have been MIA from writing my blog. But I do see a fit. I write all the time about issues facing Lady Boomers, and what’s next for us is certainly an issue we all face together. So…please take our quiz and be a part of our What’s Next Boomer community. Thanks! 


The Path to Happiness: Inward or Outward?


What’s Next Boomer? Take our KQuiz and Find Out!