New Year's Reflections
Thanksgiving is the time of year gratitude is typically expressed. Sometimes that occasion of grateful expression feels a little contrived. Like you are “supposed to” give thanks for all your blessings. After all, it’s the actual name of the holiday. But I like reflecting on my blessings as the new year exchanges numbers with the old.
I’m extremely, totally, unequivocally grateful for my family and friends. They are my riches and treasures. During the winter holidays each one of my children and their spouses revealed something about me I did not realize they even thought. No physical gift could have meant as much. I will treasure their love notes for the rest of my days.
I lost a very dear friend in 2021. I previously published a post about Julie Caton and her love of beauty and art. I concluded the post by saying I wanted to buy a Retablo (portable folk art alter) as a remembrance of Julie. After reading the blog post, my friend Ann gave me a Retablo as a Christmas gift. Her thoughtful gesture made me so grateful for our friendship.
During a particularly scary point in the ongoing COVID crisis I penned an essay entitled, Anxiety Speaks Softly and Carries a Big Stick. I anthropomorphized (such a big word I’m having a hard time spelling it for this post) the anxiety I have felt over the last couple of years due to the pandemic and a spate of injuries. Even if we were fortunate enough to avoid being visited by the virus, Anxiety was only too happy to nuzzle up in the middle of the night. “Your husband was coughing last night. I’ll bet he has the virus,” messages propelling panicked patients into the arms of local therapists. Writing helped me process the anxiety I felt. I’m a little bit thrilled because The Quiet Reader, an on-line literary journal I’ve followed for a few years, published my essay. Click here if you would like to read it.
And I’m very grateful to you, dear readers and subscribers. I love receiving your notes and am honored when you share your own experiences. It makes me feel like I’m not writing in the dark. Your light guides and inspires me. I would love for you to share your own realizations as you approach this new year. Remember, BBLB (Be Brave. Lose the Beige!) says yes when the world around us keeps saying no, especially concerning aging issues. Here’s to you saying yes in the new year.