Join the BBLB Community of Sassy Women
New Be Brave. Lose the Beige! website
I started writing my BBLB blog in 2009. I had serendipitously stumbled upon the fact I enjoyed writing. How does one stumble upon such a realization? I was a clay artist at the time and loved creating descriptions and journal prompts for the whimsical polymer clay sculptures I created. My husband dubbed me a clay-writer because I liked writing in clay and sculpting with words. A blog was the perfect platform for play. A consultant created a blogsite for me on which to share words and art. It was therapeutic to write about experiences such as my empty nest, boomerang kids, and the transition from being outtasight to literally being out-of-sight. Joan Dideon said, “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.” Writing has always been a revelation for me.
My website has changed over the ensuing fifteen years and is now in its fourth incarnation. An incredibly creative young woman, Morgan Claytor, sat with me for hours developing a site that can (hopefully) serve as a place and space where women can gather in community with one another and learn more about themselves in the process.
I would love for you to explore the Creativity Corner where you can engage in creativity exercises designed to promote creative thinking. Thinking creatively means finding the cracks of light in the dark places of our lives.
Pause and take the KQuiz, a personality inventory developed for the +60 age demographic. Most of us have taken at least one personality test in our lives. The question is, do the profiles we were given hold up as we age into our 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond? The quiz is based on archetypes. Find out if you are a Sage, the visionary; a Dreamer who strives for authenticity; a Rebel, the spontaneous non-conformist; or the Caretaker, the conscientious one.
Share your artwork, six-word stories, quiz results, or your own words on The Magenta Life, a private facebook page I’ve created. I want this to be a Be Brave. Lose the Beige community of sassy women who say Yes when the world around us keeps saying no, especially when it comes to aging issues.
Thank you, thank you. Your encouragement and support means the world to me. Namaste.